Sunday, October 18, 2009

Back on the bike

Rode today for the first time in a long time. April/May this year is when I stopped riding properly. Not that I feel I'd really started, but I've really not ridden at all since then. The Levi's GranFondo project took too much time, that was part of it. A larger part was the mysterious sore hamstring which my body guy, Jordan Rothstein, thinks is the result of too much deep stomach tension. The hamstring pain disappears for several days after each stomach massage, so maybe he's right.

Anyway, it was a nice ride. About 40 miles, easy-paced, so lots of thinking. Not too many tourists on the bridge.

On my way back I rode to the Cafe du Soleil in the lower Haight, and reclaimed a bag with bike lock, repair kit and pump that I'd left there almost a month ago. They'd kept the bag for me all that time. My emergency cash roll was still there in the repair kit, so I left a $10 reward.

Not sure if I'll go out riding tomorrow. Yesterday and today's rides tired me out, and I'm still suffering from some lingering effects of the 'flu that got me on October 4. I still wonder whether or not it was H1N1.